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Here's an explanation of what a Return to Work interview is, and how to work the system on them. This was originally a comment on a thread about Amazon and how they screw their staff. The discussion turned to return to work interviews. I started to post a comment and then it got too long, so i thought i'd stick it in the library. admin - moved back to forums A return to work interview is where your line manager meets with you after you have been absent (sickness, unauthorised absence, sometimes even lateness). They will sit down with you and have 'an informal chat' which involves them ticking boxes on a form and asking you how you are in a kind and caring manner (i. e. asking for answers to a set of preset questions then writing every thing you say down) I've had to do return to work interviews in call centres and admin jobs many times over the last 10 years, I was also a line manager in an office for a while and had to do them on other people (look, I was young and i needed the money, OK? )

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Therefore a disciplinary based on 'absence' is treated as a standard breach of the agreed employment terms, and dealt with by a standard verbal/written/final warning escalation process. So..... in each return to work, the manager must ensure that the company is seen to support the individual worker and ensure that they were flexible and attempted to work with the individual in a flexible manner to ensure that any 'linking themes' were addressed. They do all this out of genuine concern for the servo-droid in question obviously...... Onwards..... so, the spectre hanging over every return to work interview is the threat of tribunal - especially in non-unionised workplaces, as it is only AFTER the employee has been sacked that the company will realise it's mistakes, when the ambulance chasing employment solicitor knocks on their door. As with all fears, when combined with an otherwise emotionless, automated process, the fear becomes magnified, for everyone in the chain it becomes the Faceless Menace - "make sure they sign the RTW form or it'll go to tribunal", "a supervisor in Peterborough got sacked because she hadn't said 'I'm sorry' when she fired someone", "you have to ask them if they want a break when they start crying or they'll crucify you if it goes to tribunal. "

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Sunday, 23 May 2021