The rate for new aides will be $10. Apply online using "Aide - Special Ed. ". No paper applications will be accepted. Custodian Mid-Shift – Junior High; hours are noon to 8:30 p. m. ; starting rate: $13. 50/hr. Apply online using "B&G Custodian. " No paper applications will be accepted. Custodian 2nd Shift - Sneior High School; hours are 2:30 p. to 11:00 p. 50/hr. Apply online using "B&G Custodian. " No paper applications will be accepted. Grounds Relief (2) – day shift; starting rate: $13. 50/hr.. Apply online using "B&G Outside Grounds. " No paper applications will be accepted. Full-time Mechanic Helper/Custodian – 8 hrs/day; starting rate: $13. ; assist the mechanics, substitute school bus driver (Must have a CDL with the School Bus Endorsement/Air Brake Restriction Removed). Custodial duties include cleaning the driver/office area and the restrooms. Apply online using "Trans Mechanic/Mechanic Helper. " No paper applications will be accepted. Substitute Custodian – cleans, sanitizes and preserves designated spaces, equipment, etc.

Exeter School Jobs Updated Today |

Search latest Windham NH school jobs, including seven new positions posted in recent weeks. EXETER, NH -- There are multiple job openings in the Exeter public school system, including ones for special educator, instructional aide and social worker. Applicants are typically required to submit a letter of interest, resume, transcripts and three reference letters. These are five openings posted in recent weeks: Special Educator, Adult Education Special Education Teacher needed to support students in adult high school evening classes and to serve in a variety of roles working with teenagers and adults who have learning challenges. School year program; Mondays &/or Thursdays 5:00-8:30 PM beginning January 2019. Responsibilities include: work with content area teachers to instruct and support students in classroom content areas (reading/writing/research social studies, and/or math), adapt assignments and assessments, provide direct instruction to small groups and individuals, and collaborate with Student Services Coordinator.

NH Special Education Teacher (6-12) preferred. NH Teacher Certification required. Head Maintenance/Custodian, Kensington Elementary School Kensington Elementary School is accepting applications for a full time, year round position. 40 hours per week, working approx. 7:00 a. m. to 3:30 p. Position requires a full range of duties associated with the interior and exterior upkeep of the facility. Please refer to this document for a complete description of duties. Some heavy lifting and snow shoveling is required. Competitive salary and benefits available. Instructional Aide, Seacoast School of Technology The Seacoast School of Technology, serving students from Epping, Exeter, Newmarket, Raymond, Sanborn Regional, and Winnacunnet High School is seeking a multi-skilled person to provide support to a variety of the Career & Technical programs. Position entails some heavy lifting and outside work in all types of weather conditions. Work schedule is school year, 7:30 a. to 2:00 p. Competitive hourly rate with some benefits are provided.

Gymnastrix Date 31 March Time All day Location School Lessons will take place on a Wednesday, starting in Week 2 (Wednesday February 3), and will go for approximately 35-40 minutes. Girls are encouraged to wear red shorts, sports skorts or bike pants for the lesson. All students will wear sports uniform on Wednesdays for Term 1.

Devon, United Kingdom Location: Devon, United Kingdom Type: Mainstream School Phase: All-through with sixth form Funding status: Independent Gender: Mixed Age range: 7 - 18 years About Exeter School Exeter School is a selective school for boys and girls between the ages of seven and eighteen with broad academic potential. We value intellectual achievement and take pride in the wide range of extra-curricular activities, which are enjoyed by pupils and staff alike. It is this shared approach to the children's progress which underpins the school's daily operation. We wish to provide a solid educational platform for our pupils' future and we hope that there are areas here in which all children may excel, be they academic, artistic, cultural or sporting. We aim to care for our pupils through our pastoral system and to equip all pupils with the high standards and expectations which will enable them to flourish as they go through the school and, of course, beyond it. Exeter School aims To develop the academic, personal and physical potential of each pupil in the school To uphold the high standards of academic teaching and pastoral care within the school To sustain the richness and variety of the school's extra-curricular provision To promote high standards for the conduct of pupils within a friendly, tolerant and safe environment To encourage pupils to contribute to the wider community We are top performing independent secondary school in Devon in Sunday Times Parent Power 2020 table.

Casual jobs | Career Zone | University of Exeter

Long-term Substitute Science Teacher – Senior High School; Biology certification preferred; current Act 48 required. Assignment is immediately after filled with end date to be determined. Apply online using "LTS/Biology. " No paper applications will be accepted. Certificated Teacher Substitute - daily rate is $115/day for 1-20 days; $125/day for 21+ days. Guest Teacher and Nurse Substitute - daily rate is $115/day for 1-20 days; $120 for 21+ days. Retired ETSD Teacher Substitute - daily rate is $135/day for 1-20 days; $145/day for 21+ days. Ongoing Nurse Substitute - daily rate $115. 00 Support Openings Summer Special Education Job Openings - Aide - Special Ed. Aides/Substitute Aides are needed to staff our Extended School Year (ESY) and Compensatory Services (CCS) Program. ESY Program Dates are Monday-Thursday, July 5 through July 29 and CCS Programs Dates are Monday-Thursday, June 21 through July 1 and Monday-Thursday, August 2 through August 12. Anticipated hours are 8:15-11:45. The rate for current aides in the district will be paid at their current 2020-2021 hourly rate for all programs.

in ETSD buildings, restocks disposable items, assists with obtaining and setting up needed equipment. Apply online using "S ubstitute/Custodial/Grounds/CUSTODIAN. " No paper applications will be accepted. Substitute Cafeteria Worker; starting rate $10. 00/hr; apply online using "Substitute General Cafeteria Worker. " No paper applications will be accepted. Substitute Bus Aide; starting rate $11. 50/hr; approximately 10 hours per week; apply online using "Trans Bus Aide. " No paper applications will be accepted. Substitute Van Driver; starting rate $12. 00/hr; approximately 10 hours per week. Apply online using "Trans Van Driver - Sub. " No paper applications will be accepted. Bus Driver or those seeking to become bus drivers; starting rate $15. 50/hr; approx. 25 hours/week; ETSD provides free training. Apply online using "Bus Driver. " No paper applications will be accepted. Substitute Special Education Classroom Aide. Apply online using "Substitute Aide-Para. " No paper applications will be accepted.

You can Sign up here to receive our regular student internship vacancy e-bulletin We also support students looking to work on a freelance, self employed basis whilst they study through our annual Craft Fairs and our Casual Entrepreneurial pages with advice on online selling and other ways you can earn money whilst studying. Further support If you need any further support regarding gaining summer work or part time work, please email us at and we will be happy to help you. International students Entrepreneurial ideas Student Brand Ambassadors

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Sunday, 23 May 2021